Wednesday, January 23, 2013

With a cherry on top.

So I'm all about "It's not better or worse, it's just different." Being an Experiment e.V. exchange student and local coordinator taught me well. But today is a day that I can tell you that's baloney. It's better. And it's worse at the same time. And that's the problem.

Take our trip to the ice cream parlor.
Better: Real whipped cream.
Worse: Square spoons.
Better: Spaghetti Eis
Worse: No freaking napkins.

I should make it my life's mission to get ice cream shops to stock napkins that aren't made of tissue paper and give you more than one.

It wouldn't change the world, but it would make it less sticky.

Shown: my best girl modeling the napkin we got in request at the ice cream place. :)

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